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When "Christian Educators" prefer Islam
Due to the efforts of Christian Educators Association International (CEAI)
and others, public school textbooks remain rife with Muslim propaganda
such as "Assume you are a Muslim soldier." When the textbook publisher,
Houghton Mifflin (HM), came under fire last year with accusations of
proselytizing Islam, Forrest Turpen, Executive Director of CEAI,
publicly defended the textbook.
TruthorFiction.com noted the "Christian group" and wrote "Turpin
says the teaching about Islam has not been "slipped" into the
curriculum…In fact," says Turpin, "the state of California has been a
leader in requiring a balance of teaching about who we are and what has
empowered us as a civilization."
BlessedCause, the organization that originally complained about the
Islamic propaganda, wrote to Forrest Turpen and asked why he endorsed the textbook. Turpen wrote:
"…we focused only our attention on the Christian perspectives that were
written and did not look at or compare the other content of the
texts...In essence we did no evaluation of the other religions addressed
in any of the textbooks of the HM series."
No evaluation. Yet Mr. Turpen, representing a "Christian group,"
defended HM and quelled public outrage.
BlessedCause continued correspondence with Dan Elliott, Vice Chairman
of CEAI, who wrote, "Our organization is not a "Christian Education"
organization. It is a professional educators organization. We support
teachers and administrators, working primarily in public schools who are
Christians." Elliott also confirmed CEAI did not evaluate the 7th grade
textbook: "We did not review the information about islam but only some
limited sections of one text book about Christianity."
If Christian Educators is not a Christian organization per se, and
did not evaluate the Islam unit, why was Turpen quoted like an expert
representing Christians and defend the Islam unit at TruthorFiction? BlessedCause asked CEAI
to retract their statements. CEAI refused.
is a paid consultant for HM’s
6th grade
textbook,"A Message of Ancient Days" which contains the Christian
section. BlessedCause has since reviewed this textbook including the
chapter titled: "Christianity and the Fall of Rome."
This is a partial list of items found:
 | Blame of Christians for the fall of Rome; |
 | Quotes a historical figure that Christians should be convicted
(death) for their “hatred against mankind” without explanation or
opposing view; |
 | That Christians fed to the lions in Rome were mostly an
exaggeration of Christian writers; |
 | That Jesus was predominantly described as a "popular teacher with
ideas”; |
 | That Old Testament prophets provided an excuse for religious faith
and unable to tell the future |
 | That salvation is earned by “believing as Christians believe,”
good works and tithing (what a dry, contrived view of the Gospel!); |
 | That Jews mistreated Christians more than Nero; |
 | Secular explanations for the origin of Hebrews; |
 | Atheist versions of Biblical stories; |
 | Islam’s beliefs about Jesus subtly passed off as Christian beliefs
in the Christian section! |
Mary McLean Hix wrote in her article Sorting out the Noise,
"Forrest Turpen, executive director of the Christian Educators
Association International, points to California as further evidence.
Sixth-grade textbooks there cover Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount and
10 Old Testament books."
Why does Forrest Turpen defend the Islam unit and applaud California
and the 6th grade textbook? Where one gets a description of Jesus
that aligns with the Quran rather than the Bible? Yes, Jesus taught the
Sermon on the Mount, but in the CHRISTIAN section, it might be mentioned
that Christians believe Jesus died for our sins! That He rose again and
after 40 days, visibly ascended into heaven. The textbook surgically
skips all that and describes a popular teacher with ideas.
What a contrast to the
Islam Unit where
Muhammad's "ascension" is described more than once and includes a
picture, along with
statements such as:
 | "The Quran is the final revelation, just as Muhammad is the final
prophet." |
 | "In fact, the very first word the angel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad
was recite." |
 | "Ramadan is a holy time, because in this month Muhammad received
his first message from Allah." |
 | "These revelations confirmed both Muhammad’s belief in monotheism,
and his role as the last messenger in a long line of prophets sent by
God." |
Religious beliefs of Islam compose 10 times the text compared to
the Christian Unit, with LESS disclaimers such as "Muslims believe."
graph) Instead of asking children to participate in activities such
as "assume you are Muslim
soldier", in the Christian section they are asked to imagine they are
back in the catacombs of dead Christians. It’s cleverly written in a fun
way, but bottom line, that’s the exercise. In the Jewish section,
children are asked to imagine they are with Jews forced from their
Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. With California
spending $400 million per year on textbooks, Christian Educators sold
out Jesus for a mere $500.
Last month, Forrest Turpen announced his resignation as
Executive Director, leaving without retraction. Dan Elliott wrote BlessedCause
privately on July 19th:
"You are absolutely correct in saying that those things in the HM books
about Islam should not have been there," yet to date, CEAI refuses to
retract their statements or renounce the textbook publicly. And the
school year rapidly approaches, textbook replete.
A federal lawsuit has been filed by
Thomas More Law Center
regarding the Islam issue in public school. I do not accept donations,
but Thomas More has been fighting for our rights as a free Christian
legal organization. Please help support them if you can.
California's Department of Education has quietly removed
ISLAM: A Simulation from their "approved" list at their website
confirmed by Suzanne C. Rios, Administrator of the Curriculum Framework
and Instructional Resources Office for the Calif. State Dept. of
TruthorFiction erroneously reported that Islam's beliefs were under
the umbrella of "The Teachings of Islam." That heading appeared after
four full pages of religious beliefs. For details of Islamic
click here. For details of Christianity maligned,
click here.
Christian children, the bodies of Christ, are being crucified on the
cross of public school. How long will we abandon our children to suffer
this onslaught of their faith alone?
See also:
Christian Educators Association International
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Related article:
Houghton Mifflin's Fabricated Defense
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12/28/03 noted change of
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