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![]() See Movie Review Mel
Gibson has always been a favorite actor, but now, he's much more than that. Though Mel and his family has been persecuted and slandered by "sent" reporters and haranguers, Mel has stood his ground in a real life drama far surpassing his career, even the courage portrayed by Mel in "Braveheart." Mel said it was his Christian faith that inspired “The Passion,” a $25 million production he has financed, co-written, produced and directed. Due to be released in March, the film is about the final 12 hours in the life of Christ. “I’m not a preacher and I’m not a pastor, but I really feel my career was leading me to make this. The Holy Ghost was working through me on this film, and I was just directing traffic. I hope the film has the power to evangelize,” said Mel. (sigh) Christian women are swooning all over the nation. Satan is desperately shooting as many darts as he can against this movie. Controversy is stirring regarding alleged anti-Semitism. Mel said: "Anti-Semitism is not only contrary to my personal beliefs, it is also contrary to the core message of my movie." Amen. Mel has made it clear he is aware that Jesus "laid His own life down" and picked it up again...He volunteered, to pay for ALL of our sins. It has been reported that, although Mel is not in the movie, his hands can be seen in the close up nailing Jesus to the cross. Obviously Mel understands we all nailed those nails into the hands of Jesus. To make sure "The Passion" portrays an authentic version of the Gospel, Mel invited hundreds of church leaders to preview it, including leaders at Focus on the Family and Ted Haggard, pastor and president of the National Evangelical Association. Don Hodel, president of Focus on the Family, said, “I was very impressed. It’s certainly the most powerful portrayal of the passion I’ve ever seen or heard about. The movie is historically and theologically accurate.” Ted Haggard stated, “It conveys, more accurately than any other film, who Jesus was. You can’t help but be upset when you realize the gravity of what Jesus went through.” According to Kamon Simpson of The Gazette, "Based on the reaction of those who saw the film, they enthusiastically endorse it." After speaking to more than 800 ministers gathered for a conference, Mel "was candid in relating how events more than a decade ago led him to become a more committed Christian." Haggard added, “I’ve been pastor at New Life Church for 18 years, and I don’t remember anyone displaying a fear of God on our platform the way Mel did today.” Gibson attended Catholic Mass every morning during shooting because “we had to be squeaky clean just working on this,” he said. “It was a strange mixture of the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, along with this incredible ease,” Gibson said. “Everyone who worked on this movie was changed. There were agnostics and Muslims on set converting to Christianity.” When Haggard thanked Gibson for making the film, Gibson replied, “I was afraid not to.” I know exactly what Mel is referring to. When God calls, saints answer. God bless you Mel Gibson! All of heaven is rejoicing! See also: Mel Gibson almost took his life, then came Jesus *** Source: The Gazette, "Mel Gibson brings movie to city's church leaders" by Kamon Simpson Mel Gibson Index: