Scholar Predicts No USA by 2007
by Pete Fisher
March 29, 2005
According to the Jerusalem Post, Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi
claims he has the Koranic proof that the USA will be entirely swamped
by a massive Tsunami in 2007.
He gets his calculation by taking certain numbers of verses in the
Koran and adding them up and using the verse of the last Sura in the
list. His claims are that we will pay a heavy price due to our sinful
ways and Allah has already ordained it.
What tickles me is the statement he made about the USA being judged
for its ethnic cleansing of Blacks and American Indians, and its
history of enslavement. He also likened the USA to Pharaoh of the Ten
Commandments fame.
Now this is not the first time I have seen Islamic scholars make
claims as such, nor is it the first time I have seen Muslims make
absurd claims about Koranic authority in prophetic issues that when
read by any other entity outside of Islam, becomes almost laughable if
the fact did not exist that those concepts were so widely accepted and
acted upon.
He states we are similar to Pharaoh due to our arrogance in the
aforementioned matters. This too is laughable. What most Muslims
refuse to see is their own arrogance when it comes to Koranic Law and
Islamic culture.
For instance, they deem themselves as better than most due to the
fact that they are commanded to exact taxes from non-Mohammedan
peoples and lands. They are allowed in Koran to take land and enslave
those within.
They are allowed to kill non-Mohammedans and those Muslims who
leave the faith due simply to the arrogance they have concerning their
faith. For a faith that is so peaceful and non-compulsive, it sure
seems those who come into contact with it have little choice but to
believe, or become enslaved or murdered.
Now, what this scholar obviously did not see is that so many Blacks
in America who were slaves were captured and sold to the Americans by
Muslims. The fact that Islam to this day still enslaves Blacks in the
Sudan, takes their land, slaughters them wholesale, and starves them
out while raping their women does not seem to be an issue with him or
the Muslims who believe his malarkey. It also does not seem to be
stated that the Koran in several places also claims that the land of
Israel, including the Temple Mount belongs to the Jews. And the fact
that ANY Islamic people would kill and commit suicide to steal that
land is in total contradiction to their own holy book. Yet most
Muslims support them.
Yet the Palestinians who sold that land to the Jews early in the
20th century now squat upon it and have slaughtered innocent people
all over the land in order to do what this scholar claims the USA has
done. Taken land which was not theirs. As they do in Sudan, as the
Taliban did in Afghanistan, as they attempt in the Philippines, and
other places.
So the true arrogance belongs not to the USA as this scholar
claims, but to the Muslims who buy into his garbage as well as the
scholar himself who obviously thinks that Islamic nations will be
immune to the kidnapping, the wholesale slaughter of innocents, the
rapes, the poverty, the enslavement, and theft they have inflicted
upon so many other cultures and peoples since the inception of Islam.
You see, it is OK for them to perpetuate these things, because they
believe they are better and more holy than other religions and
cultures. They believe they do nothing more than a butcher does with
his cattle when they perform their beheadings. They believe the
Sudanese are subhuman and therefore it is acceptable to enslave them.
They believe that any non-Islamic land can be taken from those who are
not believers in Islam. After all, Mohammed himself called blacks
“Raisin Heads” and made insinuation they were subhuman and worthy only
of slavery.
Not that the USA or any other nation on Earth is innocent. We all
have our flaws. But if Islam desires justice and if they believe Allah
is just in punishing those who perform acts of wickedness, then Islam
itself will be judged quite heavily by Allah as well, unless of
course, Allah is a hypocrite.
You see, when the Tsunami hit Indonesia, it was the Christians and
Jews who were blamed. We were blamed due the fact that some scholar
had figured out that every time the Christians and Jews had a Holy
Day, some catastrophe hit an Islamic area. Of course many of the same
events happened during and directly after Ramadan, but that never
seems to matter to Muslims who desire an enemy to blame for their own
erroneous ways. It became a fact to those in the Islamic world and due
to its wide acceptance, bred even more hatred toward those Islam
already hates.
So perhaps a Tsunami will hit the USA some day. Being surrounded
entirely by large oceans, it does not take a rocket scientist to make
a claim that could easily happen due to natural circumstances. But if
it does, it will not be due to Allah and some laughable calculations
from someone who hates the USA.
But if I am wrong, and somehow the god of Islam does judge the acts
stated by this scholar, and IF the god of Islam is righteous and true
in his judgments, Islamic nations will also have to be judged and
whatever fate lies for the Infidels, a much greater destruction would
await Muslims, as their historic and present nature show much more
violence and injustice to their own and others than their acts of
those they claim are Infidels.
If this is the manner of justice doled out in Islam, I would be
building an Ark in the desert if I were living under Islamic
One Tsunami, Two Tsunami, Three Tsunami, Four.
Pete Fisher
Pete Fisher Column Index
Pete Fisher is a concerned citizen in the Chicago area who has
written several articles on the economy, educational system, politics,
and religion. He has been featured on several sites such as,,,