Obama's Change: THE FALL
Through the gurgle of pending death, William Wallace summoned his
strength and savagely shouted "FREEDOM!" Our forefathers did the
same, the battlefield steeped in blood. A man will sacrifice his
life for freedom, but take it for granted, it falls.
Our nation is on the brink of throwing freedom away with votes for
Obama, front man of Democrat plots to take our pensions and
(1), while our taxes will be used
for ungodly practices such as butchering babies, gun control,
attacking conservative radio
(2) and limiting religious freedom. Under Obama's
"Freedom of Choice Act" doctors and hospitals will be forced to
perform abortions regardless of conscience.
Obama complains we cling to our guns and religion, the cradle of
our freedom is a threat to his vision.
We have slept while Freedom has crumbled. Witness our public
schools. In his term, Clinton negotiated with terrorists
(4) and together with humanist groups wrote "Religious
Expression in Public School." Judge Phyllis Hamilton, appointed by
Clinton, ruled that teachers could REQUIRE students to get on
their hands and knees and pray to Allah BY HEART, the very words
used to convert to Islam, the very words said over the beheading
of our troops. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld her
decision and the US Supreme Court would not touch it. The ruling
stands. Your children may be REQUIRED to recite worship to Allah
on their hands and knees in demonstration.
Our Judeo-Christian beliefs, the backbone of our freedom, is under
constant assault in public schools while Islam is indoctrinated.
President Bush wrote his own religious guidelines but his term
came too late, the law has been set in the aftermath of Clinton by
his judges.
Enter Obama, who claims Christ, yet supports partial-birth murder,
referred to his Muslim faith
(6) and raised a million dollars for a foreign thug
that promised an Islamic state overseas.
(7) Obama wants to negotiate with terrorists and
apparently he's good at it, having launched his career in the
living room of Bill Ayers, member of a domestic terrorist group
that bombed our government buildings.
What will be the bargaining chips? What do terrorists want from
us? Our surviving children. OUR FREEDOM. Freedom guaranteed by our
Constitution which Obama basically said is a "fundamental flaw."
FREEDOM is about to be pushed into the night and the gap it leaves
behind will be filled with bloodied babies and a setup for
tyranny. The inheritance from our forefathers will be lost with
each voter that emerges from the voting booth, having dipped their
hands in the blood of the innocent as they vote for Obama and his
promises of "change."
The Fall of America's FREEDOM will be harder to swallow knowing
how eager some bit the fruit of Obama.
God help us on Election Day.
Backup articles
Biden: CEO Pensions "Go First" (And Your 401(k) Will Go Next)
(2) Sean Hannity Show;
Conservative Talk Radio Added to Endangered Species List
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote
(4) -
Sourcing of Clinton negotiating with terrorists, etc
Actual Court Case, pdf
Obama Slips “My Muslim Faith”
Obama funded foreign thug who promised Islamic state
(8) Hannity & Colmes Audio of Obama 2001; Rush Limbaugh 10/27/08