Bias in School
News Articles

School Ratings

President Bush

John Walker Lindh
What We Believe

6th Grade Maligning Christianity

What's In the Koran? Islam's "holy book"

I stand alone, will you stand with me?
How sex-ed effected my life

Who is JenT?
If God can use a donkey...


Textbook Quotes
Proof of corruption in public schools  

Textbooks teach God's prophets were false

God the Author
How God led the
textbook battle

Spirit of the antichrist in school

The sign of Jonah

His passion for you

Message from God

Christian Encouragement

What is a Muslim Soldier?
"Across the Centuries" 7th grade textbook tells our children to:

"Assume you are a Muslim soldier on your way to conquer Syria in the year-A.D. 635.  Write three journal entries that reveal your thoughts about Islam, fighting in battle, or life in the desert." (pg 68)  

Our government insists that Islam is  "peaceful" and Colin Powell (reportedly an atheist) asks for Muslim educators, leaders, clerics to move here, to help "educate" us."  Apparently Muslims are complying as they are heavily funding the documentaries touting Islam as "peaceful."

"Islam" is not a country but a religion spread across many nations.  If it is so peaceful, why are there Muslim soldiers?  Why are they "fighting in battle."  Why are our children asked to assume they are fighting for their cause? What is the cause they fight for?  The "peace of Islam"? 

Therein lies the truth, because the "peace of Islam" can only be achieved after Islam conquers the world.  Then and only then will there be "peace" according to the Quran and Hadith, Islam's holy books.  That is the definition of "peace." It begins after all the world has either submitted to Islam or is slaughtered. 

America is taught that Christians and Jews are to be tolerated as "people of the book."  This is true as dictated by the Quran.  However,  in order to achieve this status in Islam, a Christian or Jew must pay the poor tax and offer prayer to Allah or be slaughtered. 

Is this the religious freedom that the ACLU is fighting to embrace in public school?  "Christian, you may survive, but first dedicate your life to Allah or die."  Christians who deny tribute to Allah are tortured and raped.  This is no exaggeration, this is happening in the Sudan and many other countries today.

There are those in America who insist John Walker Lindh receive the death penalty for fighting for the Taliban, which he joined after converting to Islam.  Think about it, John Walker Lindh was first requested to "assume fighting for Islam" by AMERICAN SCHOOLS. 

If true Islam is not associated with the terrorists and is in fact peaceful, then why the need of "Muslim soldiers" that our children are told to assume they are?  Whom does the Muslim soldier fight?  Exactly what kind of Muslim soldiers are our public schools teaching our children to assume the identities of? 

If there are soldiers, there are military leaders. Who are the military leaders of Islam if there is no specific country of Islam?  They have no country to be attacked.  There is no land to protect.  Their description sounds very similar to the terrorist leaders in news today.  Public school admission that there is such a thing as a Muslim soldier is to admit there is an authentic call for Muslims to fight, and they actually teach our children to assume the position!

There are probably as many Muslims that do not read and obey their Quran as there are Christians that do not read and obey their Bible. There are those who profess to be Muslims that do not kill. There are those who profess to be Christians that do not love.

So do we hate American Muslims?  NO.  But must we teach our children to assume they are Muslim soldiers?  Must we present a violent religion as one of peace and gentleness?  Must we present Muhammad's claimed spiritual awakening as FACT to impressionable American children?  Muhammad, who led more than 20 slaughtering raids killing Jews and Christians, and masterminded more than 60 others.  Do we present what he wrote as interesting and fun practices of imagination for children to embrace? 

Only if we want our sons and daughters to share a jail cell with John Walker Lindh.  Instead of a jail cell, he should receive an "A" in today's American classroom.  After all, he could turn in his whole ordeal with the Taliban as an expansive, though late, class project.  He did what his teachers taught him.  He lived what they told him to assume. 
/8/03 Today America has heightened the terrorist attack warning level. Why? Because of a Muslim holiday.  Are we still in denial about Islam? LOVE the Muslim, but follow Islam? no way.
The following is a letter I received, and the response.  What is a Christian Soldier?

The way your article poses it implies their is no such thing as a christian soldier. There not only is but esspecially during this time period mentioned in the english text book (600-700 ad) the catholic church was at one of its most powerfull and they were very war based. Ever heard of the crusades? this war was one launched by christian kings and the Catholic church against muslims in order to take a holy land that muslims had been living in for years. Asume fighting for Islam is simply a wrighting excercise, the idea of thinking of it as anything more is rediculess, it is simply to enacts someone's literary skills of interpreting history.

Christains are no better then muslims or anyone one else, and its sickening that you so adamitly seem to belive so.
  -Mr. P, Austin, Texas



Dear Mr. P,
You made a great point, but did you notice in the assignment: 

“Assume you are a Muslim soldier on your way to conquer Syria..."

History is repeating itself dramatically before our eyes today. If you do the research, you'll find that the Pope actually gave a stirring speech which inspired Christian nobility to forfeit their land, their wealth, their comfort and their lives; not to grab more land but to defend their Christian brothers and sisters that were being slaughtered in Jerusalem, and to stop the fast advancing world domination of the Muslims. If you look at how quickly Islam was spreading "by the sword", it was only a matter of time before all the world would be under Islam reign (which is rather harsh, as can be seen in any newspaper). What chance would one small nation have against the whole world? What chance will we as Islam continues to spread, either by the sword or by the unbelievable promotion by school textbooks charming children into this "peaceful" religion.

Yes, there were "Christian soldiers", however Jesus never commanded us to go conquer nations by the sword, rather He told Peter to put away his sword, and commanded that we love one another.

Conversely, the Quran very much instructs its believers to kill Christians and Jews and all infidels that will not submit to Allah. I am sorry that you are so offended by my post; however I will not be silent as our nation pays teachers to teach our sons and daughters to "Assume you are a Muslim soldier on your way to conquer...", as well as other outrageous assignments and extra-curricular activities happening in class such as praying and fasting to Allah.

My God tells me that I am not to know other gods, nor are my children. That public schools demand my children participate in assuming the role of Islam is reprehensible to me. How many Americans died on the battlefield that we would be afforded religious freedom? Where is my religious freedom? That so many gave their very blood, and our freedom is suddenly taken away from parents as schools DEMAND children read, memorize, and repeat as FACT the beliefs of Islam? Public school is teaching my children that the Bible is false, by stating the prophets could not relay the future from God and that the people only believed the prophets explanations of disaster so they could continue to believe in their God. This is outrageous!

Sir, you may not share my beliefs, but I do hope you believe in the freedoms of America, and my religious freedom has been painfully stripped away. I don't believe myself to be better than Muslims, in fact, Jesus talked about leaving the 99 to go after the one. This is a time when Christians are on this planet because God tells us to be patient, that all non-believers that would come to Him, would be given the time choose the same. So you see, it's the non-believers that are crucially important during these years. In fact, Jesus said we would be hated, whipped, stoned and killed bringing the saving message of Christ, and still He sends us. Non-believers (obviously including Muslims) are very precious to Christ, for He sends us to be light and salt despite the massacres we are suffering worldwide. But the time will come when the last name in the Book of Life will be entered, Christ will come, and it will be over for this planet, God has a far better plan for those who are His. I pray every Muslim and every unbeliever consider Christ before it's too late.

Below is part of the speech made by Pope Urban to a council of bishops and religious leaders which inspired the Crusades, if you're interested. It wasn't about greed for money and land as public school textbooks would have our children believe. It was about stopping torture and bloodshed, and defending the innocent, something which the Taliban, under the dictates of the Quran and Sunna, will not afford.

Pope Urban summoned a group of knights to give "one of the great speeches of history". He told how Turks "have destroyed the altars that they have polluted with their foul practices. They have circumcised the Christians, spreading the blood on the altars and pouring it on the fonts. And they cut open the bellies of those whom they choose to torment with a loathsome death, tear out their bowels and tie them to a stake, drag them around and flog them, before killing them as they lie on the ground with entrails all hanging out"

Again, I'm sorry if I offended you, but I cannot be quiet as our sons and daughters are told to embrace a religion that instructs its followers to torture and kill us. If you don't believe me, please see the direct quotes from the Quran.

Again, hate the Muslims? NO!  But force our children to embrace the beliefs? Is that really what you ask me to submit to?  I can't and I won't, not when it involves God's precious children and the blood of our American soldiers being spilled for a freedom that's simply taken away.

May God be with you, Jen

Related articles:
bullet John Walker Lindh (with effigy pictures)
bullet Jihad forces Islam on Christians
bullet Christians terrorized in Muslim Indonesia
bullet Sheep for the Slaughter
bullet Steve Emerson forced by Islam to go underground

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