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reported by WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday he is
trying to expand programs to bring educators, journalists and
political and religious leaders from Islamic countries to the United
"We are
committed to ensuring that our programs reach out to Muslims in all
walks of life," Powell told a gathering of Muslim-Americans at an
Iftaar, the end-of-the-day meal that breaks daylong fasts during the
holy month of Ramadan. |
said the United States also is committed to enhancing understanding by
building hope. "From the mountains of Afghanistan to the valleys of
Bosnia to the plains of Africa to the forests of Asia and around the
world we are on the ground working with our Muslim partners to expand
to the circle of peace, the circle of prosperity, the circle of
freedom," he said.
Describing extremism and violence as America's greatest enemies,
Powell said, "We must not listen to the siren song of the bigots,
extremists who cloak themselves in false spirituality in an attempt to
divide and to weaken us."
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