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As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still
out about the rapture being pre-trib or post-trib. But if I do live through
tribulation, I'm so grateful that pastors like Pastor Dale will be right there
with me!
"And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter…”
Mark 13:18 "
Chilling words.
The suddenness and the ferocity of a trouble that will come upon those
Christians who will be left standing in the last days will be worse than since
the beginning of time. When you get warned to not even go back into the house
to get your coat, that’s pretty scary. You better pray that it’s in
summertime. What could possibly prepare you for such a time? Consider how bad
it will be –
1) We will be hated of all men, and the AntiChrist will scatter the power
of the holy people.
2) Many of us will face four ends: flame, captivity, sword, and spoil
3) One third of the entire world will have been destroyed
4) Satan will be loosed upon the face of the Earth.
Money won’t do you any good at a time like this. After all, Ezekiel says
they’ll be casting their gold and silver in the streets. No, you’ll have to
take the Mark of the Beast to buy anything. Getting a cabin in the woods
stocked with canned good, water, and ammunition won’t do you any good. The
slain of the earth will be from one end of the earth to the other. Desolation
will cover the earth. There won’t be anywhere to hide. The bonds of
friendships, societies, and yes, even families and churches won ’t do you any
good. Mothers and fathers, sons and daughters will betray one another. Shall I
go on?
If you thought that you would escape all the trouble that is coming on the face
of the Earth, you might be inclined to thank God for His mercy, and be confident
that you can just relax because the Love of God will deliver you from all your
troubles. No sweat. Ain’t it great to be saved! Hakuma Matata! Just relax
and be raptured. |
Well, save a place up there for me,
because I’m going to have to endure to the end – at least that’s what
is written. You see, unless they kill me, I’ m going to have to wait
until after the tribulation when Jesus Christ splits the skies open.
After the stars fall, after the earth reels to and fro like a
drunkard, after the Moon turns to blood – after Jesus Christ comes
back in victory. While others may be able to relax, its going to get
tougher and tougher for me. You don’t have to worry about being
deceived by false Christs and false prophets and that great delusion
spoken about in Thessalonians – but I do. You don’t have to worry
about that hour of temptation written in Revelations that will come to
try the whole earth. Shucks, you’ll be long gone -- but I ’ll be
here. When the so-called Prosperity ministers and prophets of Peace
are exposed for the frauds that they are, you won’t have to worry.
The Lord will hang them up to dry when tribulation starts crashing
down. You’ll be gone, but I ’ll be here. When disease, pestilence,
and famine devastate the world, and the only thing you will be able to
trust in is the power of God to heal, a lot of people will be gone –
but there are those who will be here to the end. There’s only one way
to get prepared – read God’s Word like a starving man, wring your
heart out in prayer, and fast your guts out. Those who expect to
stand in the days that are upon us will have to have power in God like
never before. Nothing else will be able to withstand the deception
and temptation of the thick darkness that will descend.
I’ve said many times, you can’t fight spiritual battles with carnal
weapons. Just because you think you know something, or you believe in
God’s existence, or you figure you’ll never give in because you’re a
regular good guy, is not going to give you the power to stand. Hell
is stuffed with good intentioned people that didn’t fear God enough to
realize that they can only make it when they are standing the depth of
the Spirit of God – and that comes from seeking the face of God with
all your heart. All of it. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting
ready. I fully expect not only to be here, but I figure the Lord will
require me to make a stand for the Truth in those dark times when men
will have no light to turn to. Yeah, I’ll be here, and I’ll be ready
because I know that it’s not to those who try, but to those who
overcome. “And they overcame him [Satan] by the Blood of the Lamb and
the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
death.” Rev 12:11
Read more by Pastor Dale at
Revival Fire