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Thomas More Law Center Demands Removal of Islam Course
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
By Reverend Austin Miles
Special to ASSIST News Service

BRENTWOOD, CALIFORNIA (ANS) -- The Byron Excelsior Public School has been the focus of world-wide attention since it was discovered that an intensive Islamic indoctrination course was being pushed upon 7th grade students there. ASSIST News Service was the first to break the story. The three week course that began shortly after the 9-11 attack on America by Islamic terrorists outraged parents all over the U.S. and the public at large.

A federal lawsuit was filed in San Francisco on Monday, June 24th by the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, representing parents and four children demanding that the Byron Union School District and various school officials, stop the use of "Islam Simulation" materials in the Byron Excelsior Public School in Byron, California.

According to the lawsuit, 7th grade students across California were forced to pretend they were Muslims for three weeks, praying in the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful, chanting Praise to Allah, picking a Muslim name from a list to replace their own name and to stage their own Jihad via a dice game.

At issue is a three-week segment of the seventh grade "World History" class using the textbook, "Across the Centuries," published by Houghton-Mifflin and supplemented by Islam simulation materials. Students were told that "you and your classmates will become Muslims."

To receive extra points toward their overall grade, students were encouraged to dress as Muslims and to use such phrases in their speech as, "Allah Akbar," which is Arabic for, "God is great."

Students were required to memorize Muslim prayers, fulfill the Five Pillars of Faith and fast during lunch period to simulate fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

While portraying Islam in a positive light, "Across the Centuries" used by schools throughout the nation, portrays Christians as intolerant persecutors of Jews and non-Christians.

Houghton-Mifflin and the publishers of the simulation materials acknowledge that they were influenced by various Muslim organizations including the Council for Islamic Education. According to their website, the CEO of Houghton-Mifflin is from Iran.

It is ironic that in the same week in which the federal lawsuit was filed to stop the instructional worship of Allah in the public schools, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco (6/26/02) held the words, "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.

The troubled Byron School has had nothing but turmoil since the ANS story broke about the required Islamic teaching in their school, resulting in the removal of Principal Nancie Castro along with other key staffers, and the resignation of Peggy Green, Superintendent of the Byron Union School District.

Richard Thompson, Chief Counsel for the Thomas More Law Center, commented, "Parents with children in this (Islam) course were totally caught off guard and had no idea what their children were being taught. The Byron Union School District crossed way over the constitutional line when it coerced impressionable twelve year olds to engage in particular religious rituals and worship, simulated or not."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Rev. Austin Miles is an interdenominational chaplain and a college instructor.
** You may use this story with proper attribution.
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