the panel of professors and field experts examine content, the
teachers' committee looks at every aspect of the books, from content
to accessibility, ensuring that every state criterion is met.But
the state's criteria are so specific that there is little deliberation
during these panels' deliberations, said Darrow.
"Everyone agreed," he said. "The real challenge was to agree on the
wording of (our) reviews."
"When you only have four or five publishers controlling 75 percent
of the market and you've built up the criteria so only they can
compete, you're simply not going to get true competition," said Hill,
the former state policy adviser. "It really does limit the opportunity
to get the best outcome for students and schools."
The price tag
By this time next year, a third group of people, the state's
appointed curriculum commission, will be reading the other two panels'
reviews for that seventh-grade history textbook. Then legal and
compliance teams will comb the book for errors and social content
If the current price-capping legislation, authored by Joseph
Canciamilla, D-Pittsburg, fails, no one will discuss price at any
point during the deliberations. The price tags are already drafted, of
course. Publishers must declare their list and package prices by June
15. But neither the curriculum commission nor the state board of
education, which ultimately approves the adoptions, takes cost into
"Right now, we're not getting enough money to pay for new
adoptions. Science books, math books are $60. We got $28," said Gary
McHenry, superintendent for Mt. Diablo Unified.
Even if textbook funding increases for 2004-05, McHenry still
worries about paying for the district's 10,000 new history textbooks.
Its algebra books alone could cost $600,000.
And if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signs the price-capping bill,
which takes effect in 2007, its impact could be limited because it
doesn't say how to set maximum prices. Driesler said it is modeled
after a similar clause in the Texas Education Code, which sets a cap
by averaging publishers' list prices.
"I do not believe that (our law) saves the state money," said
Robert Leos, Texas' textbook administration director. "I do believe it
is an effective tool for forecasting expenses."
Between the legal examination, the various content evaluations and
public comment process, publishers will have invested hundreds of days
in tweaking text, fixing photos of helmet-less bicyclists or children
swimming without lifevests -- both no-nos in the Ed Code -- and
lobbying commission members.
While politicians seethe over pricing, publishers and education
analysts blame the state's arcane process for high prices. Guy
Houston, R-Livermore, called AB 2455 "naive."
"Just saying we're going to cap the price doesn't face the reality
of the market. Smaller publishers will be pushed out," he said. "We'd
all like the price of a gallon of milk to be lower, but just saying it
doesn't solve the problem."
Into the classroom
When the state board of education finally approves a program
family, that launches the local adoption process. The publishing reps
fan out to every district, bearing samples and charm but not many
"The state cuts down our choices, and your (publishing) rep is your
rep," said Orinda curriculum director Lisa Bissell. "They just tell us
what the price is. There's not a whole lot of shopping around."
Lafayette's MacIsaac compared it to buying a car -- if there were
only one dealership in the business.
"It really narrows your ability to look at materials, though on the
flip side of that, you know that someone else has reviewed those
materials and you hope that they have identified materials that would
be beneficial to teachers and students," said Christine Williams,
assistant superintendent of educational services for San Ramon
Unified. "But in some years there has only been one book to look at
and that feels a little too narrow."
Beyond the standards, officials also try to meet specific needs in
their community. They want community diversity to be reflected in the
texts and they may prefer that skills are presented in one sequence
rather than another. And they say top-quality books may simply be
"We want the best instructional materials for our students that we
could possibly get," Williams said. "And if they cost more, they cost
It takes an additional six months to a year before local school
boards actually choose a book. Legislation authored by Sen. Martha
Escutia, D-Norwalk, could reverse the approval process by allowing
districts to recommend textbooks to the state, though still following
all the state criteria. The bill, SB 1380, is opposed by the textbook
industry and supported by a range of education groups.
Finally, the history books arrive and children turn the crisp,
inviting pages. They sign their names inside the front covers,
carefully wrap the colorful, glossy books in brown paper-- the book
cover of choice for generations of Californians -- and chuck them in
their backpacks.
Another textbook cycle begins.
Staff writers Danielle Samaniego, Eric
Louie, Melissa Moy and Liz Tascio contributed to this story. Reach
Jackie Burrell at 925-977-8568 or