Bio of R. Austin Miles


Bias in School
News Articles

School Ratings

President Bush

John Walker Lindh

What We Believe

6th Grade Maligning Christianity

What's In the Koran? Islam's "holy book"

Christian Encouragement

I stand alone, will you stand with me?
How sex-ed effected my life

Who is JenT?
If God can use a donkey...



Textbook Quotes
Proof of corruption in public schools  

Textbooks teach God's prophets were false

God the Author
How God led the
textbook battle

Spirit of the antichrist in school

The sign of Jonah

His passion for you

Message from God


A year in the Life of R. Austin Miles,
Austin Miles Ministries for 2002

bullet13 Weddings
bullet7 Baby Dedications/.Baptisms
bullet43 Funerals
bullet1 Blessing Of The Fleet Ceremony at beginning of boating season-San Joaquin Yacht Club
bullet2 Yacht Christening Ceremonies
bullet4 Guest Speaking/Preaching engagements
bullet7 National Radio Broadcasts
bullet3 Area Radio Broadcasts-Michigan-Florida-Southern California
bullet3 National TV Programs-Dr. D.James Kennedy,Coral Ridge Hour-Fox News
bullet2 Local San Francisco Telecasts
bullet15 Hospital/Nursing Home Visits
bullet204 Hours and 30 Minutes of Counseling, including crisis, grief, marriage, spiritual counseling


bullet11 hours preparation for each funeral listed
bullet48 Bible Classes taught at Harvest Time Church
bulletWorked as Chaplain for Oxman College-San Franisco and taught English classes for immigrants.

Wrote major stories that were published world-wide including: Burnout-A Refining Fire, which will be published in the international magazine, Ministry, in May of 2003: Santa's Surprising Origins (it started in the church) that was the subject of several national and international radio programs and republished in Christian (and secular) newspapers world-wide, television programs and quoted from pulpits; How Jesus Might Look Back On The Cross, Interview With The Magi, The True History of The Crusades, along with some major religious stories carried on the wire services and picked up by Paul Harvey News, ABC TV News, The New York Post, The Washington Times, and major newspapers all over the United States and the world.

Spare time was used to pursue advanced degrees (working toward two Doctorates) at Trinity Theological Seminary and appointed as Educational Consultant for Northern California.


The first time I ever heard Rev. Austin Miles on the radio, I praised God.  He was articulate and to the point.  He explained what is happening in schools of California much better than I ever could.  I believe the man has an anointing upon him, God has called him to this work and I am so thankful.

Rev. Miles has had to persevere through so much in order to get the word out.  He kept going in the face of danger, threats and being followed.  It affected his health until God answered his prayers and those around him to strengthen and heal him, and the Reverend continues to work diligently, in spite of all the many pressures demanding his time in other ministries.

The opposition has been great, but nothing can hurt a Christian more than the betrayal of other Christians.  How many times have I had to remind myself that Jesus did not rebuke Judas, even though I'm sure it must have hurt to be betrayed.  The Reverend knows too well how that feels, because certain  organizations claiming to be Christian have published articles opposing his work.  They did not contact him and ask for proof, they did nothing to check out the facts, they simply ran articles from unknowns claiming the facts were untrue.  If they would have only asked, the Rev. has the actual handouts that were given to the children in school, promoting Islam.  I have actual quotes proving the textbooks are biased.  Yet even Christian organizations defend the textbook and the actions of Byron County.  Why?  Why does any organization claiming to be Christian do such a thing? 



I won't name names, though I'd like to.  I've felt the edge of a knife in my own back as I've tried to communicate the depth of what is happening to our children in public school.  Not from Muslims, not from the school board (well yes there have attacks from my school board, but they didn't hurt).  The ones that hurt are always from our own.  Why? 

God has opened my eyes to the hearts of many in the ministry, and it broke my own.  I feel I must caution all Christian organizations that come against Reverend Austin Miles' hard God-given work.  Can you imagine the peril these organizations put themselves in?  I've watched my enemies prosperity crumble in all of this.  It took a couple of months, and I'm sure they would all say it's coincidence that after speaking badly against this cause, their own establishments began to crumble, both believers and non-believers.  When they come against someone who was sent by God, as Rev. Austin Miles has been, they come against the One who sent him, God Himself; and I wouldn't want to stand near the perpetrators in a thunderstorm.

Saints, there are so many false shepherds out there, pray for discernment.  I was so sadly shocked at people I greatly admired and respected.  One of my favorite pastors became so hard for me to listen to on the radio after he refused to confront what is happening in public school head on.  It compromised his witness.  I am so thankful to God that I have since heard this same pastor turn around.  He is becoming a strong opponent to public school practices since we communicated.  Prayer really does work, God really does hear and and answer.  We need to pray fervently for church leaders as well as our country's leaders.  It really does make a difference.

I know there is much controversy in Rev. Miles' past. I don't know the details of what he's been through, but I do know how he has confronted the issues at hand, head-on and boldly. When men walk in danger to get the job done, incredible things really do happen.

I also know first hand how at least two "Christian" organizations have contributed to the indoctrination of Islam in public school and maligning of Christianity. I have avoided renouncing them publicly so far. I know God will deal with them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I pray for all those who came against Rev. Austin Miles as he put his life on the line for the spiritual health of school children, and I caution those who intend to keep on opposing him, desist.  God is going before that man and clearing the way.  The laborers are few, please don't destroy your own ministry by trying to destroy the truth and sacrificing our children for political gain. 

Articles by, involving, or due to Rev. Austin Miles:

bulletCalifornia Sued Over Islamic Drills  Washington Times
bulletFederal Lawsuit filed by Rev. Austin Miles
bulletPublic Schools Embrace Islam, a Shocker  by Rev. Austin Miles
bulletIslam Studies Spark Lawsuit by Diana Lynne, World Net Daily

Well done, Reverend!  God's own faithful servant.

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