from Mammoth Times

A Special Thanksgiving

Thu, Nov 28, 1996

By Jen Shroder

County secretary, County benefits. Excellent working conditions: great pay, long hours. Son clinging desperately at child care doorstep. Tap, tap, tap on the shoulder... "What is it, Lord?"

Interesting work, computer creativity, increased responsibility, Sacramento training. Productivity, job security. Depressed son struggling in school. Tap, tap, tap. "What is it, Lord?"

Comedian co-workers, laughter, friends, appreciative employer. Completed projects, longevity benefits. Son developing severe physical signs of stress. Tap, tap, tap. "OK, Lord, I'm listening."

Registration, test of faith, child care application, licensed. Kids, hugs, kisses, chaos, laughing frenzies, joy. Consoled tears, a warm heart and a son turned around in the security of a home.

This year I have so very much to be thankful for -- the most wonderful group of kids that are pure joy to take care of. Hugs all day. Laughter in wild abandon. When a child laughs with all their spirit, my own soul is lifted. Their little art projects are always so special. When they puff up with pride as they show their mom or dad, I get so tickled.

Kids are one of God's most precious gifts. And my own kids are doing so well now. My son has undergone a complete turn around. He's happy, gets 100% in spelling and is in the top six in math. Maybe it's his fabulous teacher, Mrs. Leary, or the reduced class size, or maybe it's having a home to come home to. Probably all the above, I don't know.

All I know is this Thanksgiving is very special this year. In addition to my two sons, God gave me clear direction, stay home and be a mom, and I have never been happier. Without his direction I never would have had the courage to try child care.

When you take his hand and close your eyes, get ready for miracles. I know when I'm 90, I'll still look back at these years, shut my eyes and whisper "Thank you, Lord, for every hug, for every child, for every blessing."

Copyright 1990-98 Mammoth Times

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