Liberals attacking
those who
by Jen Shroder
3/21/05 free to repost
Already appearing at
Out2 National News, The Rant,
Conservative Voice and other
syndicated columns
Everyone receives an email once in a while that
contains a "Virus-Alert" with a returned email we supposedly sent and
did not. We complain to our internet provider that someone has used
our email address to send out spam, only to find there is nothing that
can be done about it, it’s a common practice and "no big deal."
But when I receive "returned emails," I check to see who I
supposedly sent viruses to. Today I "sent" viruses to government
scientists working with "crop systems and global change," sensitive
government officials which coincidentally cause me to look like a
domestic terrorist.
Now who would do such a thing?
During the efforts to recall Gov. Davis of California, democrats
were desperate to discredit the recall by alleging a "right wing
conspiracy." My only involvement was ONE POST applauding the recall
which was six months old and on the second page index of my website,
BlessedCause. Because of that, a democratic leader publicly named
BlessedCause as the organization behind the recall. I found this honor
rather humorous, though we were undeserving of such credit.
But then I received a "returned" virus that I supposedly sent to
someone at, aka Houghton Mifflin, the textbook company that I
have been exposing on my website as indoctrinating children to Islam
while disparaging Christianity. Just as the Davis Recall date was
approaching, I had been verifiably hacked and had sent out
incriminating viruses under the caption of "wicked." Would anyone at
Houghton Mifflin actually open such an email and download a vicious
virus? Not likely. But would the media be interested to know that the
organization leader behind the Davis Recall was just caught trying to
sabotage an establishment like Houghton Mifflin? My website would
confirm my outrage at what Houghton Mifflin has done in public schools
and conclusions would be drawn as the 6:00 News showed footage of a
surprised and ill-prepared woman being handcuffed days before the
Davis Recall election, painting a picture of poor Governor Davis being
treated so shamefully by the "right wing conspiracy."
What other explanation is there for Robert Melsh, Chair of the 64th
Assembly District Committee of the Democratic Party to name me as
behind the Davis Recall in a magazine article, establishing a
verifiable news source?
Fortunately the FBI got involved, it was documented I did NOT send
out the virus and Davis was recalled, but today, these tactics are
presenting themselves again. Among emails threatening my life, my
beheading and some kind of "action" to be taken against me, now I’m
receiving "returned" viruses from addresses that would incriminate me
and imply I am a domestic terrorist. My only protection is to publicly
denounce that I do such things, because if I did, I would be a little
more clever than to send viruses out with only a caption like
"wicked." Oh yeah, rip that one open right away.
Is there any depth that the Democratic Party will not stoop to?
When politicians lament that liberals and conservatives, Democrats and
Republicans must unite and fight together, I shudder. I am glad evil
is exposed as evil and good is exposed as good, that lines are clear
and it’s easy to choose between life and aborticide, between
traditional and gay marriage, between forcing "conditioning"
educational slavery in public schools and giving parents the right to
be parents. We don’t need "moderates" pretending to be partial to both
sides and sitting on the fence doing nothing except draw a hefty
paycheck off the backs of hard working Americans. If the Republican
Party goes "moderate," then it will be time to find a different party.
How Palestinian websites target BlessedCause