San Luis Coastal Unified School District
Filed August 28, 2004

Objections to "Across the Centuries" textbook
page 3

Teacher Assignments in "Across the Centuries"

C H A P T E R 3
Lesson 2 Preview
Muhammad and Islam
(Across the Centuries pp. 58-64)
[see pages 58-59 as children are referred to]

Development of Islam

Gabriel Muhammad Qur'an Sunna

The angel reveals Allah's words to Muhammad.

The prophet recites Allah's words to the people.

Allah's words are recorded in the Qur'an.

A record of the example, traditions, and customs of the prophet.

1. Look at the graphic organizer above. Then read the following sentences and fill in the blanks.

a. Whose words are recorded in the Qur'an?

[asks children to express faith in Allah/Quran] _________________________________

b. Whose actions are discussed in the Sunna?


2. Look at the drawing on page 61 and read the caption. What do you think might be another word for minaret?


Reading Support Resources

C H A P T E R 3
Lesson 2 Reading Strategy
Muhammad and Islam
(Across the Centuries pp. 58-64)

[see pages 58-59 as children are referred to]

Self question This reading strategy helps you stay focused on what you read. Ask yourself questions before you read a section. Then read to see if you can find the answer to your questions.

1. Read the heading "The Life of the Prophet" on page 59. Which question below do you expect to have answered in the paragraphs that follow this heading? Circle the letter next to the best question.
a. What did Muhammad do before he became a prophet?
b. What trade routes ran through the area where Muhammad lived?
c. What were Jewish temples called during Muhammad's time?

2. Now read the section "Life of the Prophet" on pages 59-61 to see if the question you chose was answered. If it was, write the answer to the question.



3. Read the heading "The Teachings of Islam" on page 61. Write down a question you expect will be answered by the section.


Now read the section "The Teachings of Islam" on pages 61-63 to see if the question you wrote down was answered. If it was, write the answer to your question.





C H A P T E R 3
Lesson 2 Reading Strategy
Muhammad and Islam
(Across the Centuries pp. 58-64)
[see pages 58-59 as children are referred to]

Thinking Focus: Find details to support the statement, "Islam, like other religions, is not only a system of beliefs but also a way of life"

The Life of the Prophet
In about A.D. 570, Muhammad was born into the Quraysh tribe. Muslims believe that on a visit to Mount Hira in 610, the angel Gabriel spoke to him. The angel told him to speak to others in the name of God. Muslims say this was the first of Muhammad's many messages from God. The messages made Muhammad sure that there was one God. Belief in one God is called monotheism. Allah, the God Muhammad believed in, is the same God as that of Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad called his faith Islam. Believers in Islam are called Muslims.

Muhammad began to preach to members of his tribe. Quraysh leaders in Mecca became worried. They refused to trade with Muhammad and his followers. When Arabs outside of Mecca became interested in Muhammad's message, the Quraysh leaders planned to kill the prophet. In 622, Muhammad and his followers left Mecca for Medina. This migration was known as the Hijra.

Over the next eight years Islam grew. Muhammad's enemies tried to get rid of Islam. But nomadic tribes and some Meccan leaders joined the Muslims. Muhammad created an army of 10,000 men, which, in 630, marched into Mecca. The city gave up without a fight. Muhammad removed idols from the Ka'bah, which again became a place of worship for the one God. The area around the Ka'bah became the first mosque. When Muhammad died in 632, many people in the central and western coastal regions of Arabia were Muslims.

How was the religion of Islam founded, and how did it spread?
[shocking how they left out all the aggressive slaughters of non-Muslims]

Muslim (muz'lam) a believer in Islam
monotheism (mon a-the-iz am) belief in only one God
Islam (Is-lam) a religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad
mosque (mosk) a Muslim church or house of worship

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