Swift Boat Vets, Kerry and FOX
NewsGeraldo Rivera of Fox News went after a swift boat vet tonight
and said, "The vets have failed to give any evidence" as he cut to
commercial. (sigh) Geraldo, eye witness testimony IS evidence in a
court of law, especially if you have 250 vet testimonies.
David Hunt, also of Fox News, joined in the attack, stating it was
SHAMEFUL that vets are calling each other liars.
What is up with Fox News? Have IQs suddenly dropped to liberal
proportions? The SHAMEFUL part was that John Kerry smeared our Vietnam
vets. The SHAMEFUL part is that John Kerry committed war crimes, came
back after four months of posing for his future, gave comfort to the
enemy and is now running for President, whining about the ads while
refusing to release his records. A vet who has been injured the most
by Kerry’s actions, carrying the stain all these years, remembering
the boos and the blood thrown at vets on their return, bravely tells
his side and Geraldo and Hunt gang up on him, calling it shameful?
Rush Limbaugh commented on the report that Kerry’s boat was the
only one that fled from the scene and pulled Rassman out of the water
when he returned. Reports are coming in that Kerry wrote his own
citation between photo ops. A vet dares to challenge him and Geraldo
and Hunt come unglued?
It’s time to dust off my remote and change the channel. Where is
Joe Scarborough of MSNBC when I need him? Scarborough Country,
(which airs at the same time as liberal Greta Van Susterin), is
fast gaining my attention.
Liberals are constantly ranting that Fox News is conservative, but
if that’s true, I’d like to suggest trading Geraldo for Scarborough,
who doesn’t really fit in with MSNBC’s liberal lineup. Or maybe we
could trade one Scarborough for all the Fox anchors that spotlight
porn queens like last night. We’ll keep Bill O’Reilly and Laurie Dhue
who doesn’t stoop to gossip news like...not naming names, but my
goodness! Is that lip gloss or salivating of other anchors over Scott
Peterson’s trial?
But at least Peterson is solid news, unlike Kerry’s stance on just
about ANYTHING. He’s for it, he’s against it, he’s for it...until the
heat comes on and then Kerry can claim, "oh yes, I was always against
that, but while I was a part of it, (war crimes, abortion, whatever),
let me tell you what I saw," then he can distance himself from it and
remains in the running for a medal.
Sure, Geraldo, let’s elect John Kerry. Then when our nation is
blown up and Islam takes over, Kerry can tell the terrorists he was
always on their side, just like he told the Arab American Institute:
"I know how disheartened Palestinians are by the Israeli
government’s decision to build the barrier off of the Green Line –
cutting deep into Palestinian areas. We don’t need another barrier to
peace. Provocative and counterproductive measures only harm Israelis’
security over the long term, increase the hardships to the Palestinian
people, and make the process of negotiating an eventual settlement
that much harder."
Or if Israel overcomes, Kerry can remind them of his speech to the
Jewish community in New York a week before the primary:
"Israel’s security fence is a legitimate act of self defense. No
nation can stand by while its children are blown up at pizza parlors
and on buses. While president Bush is rightly discussing with Israel
the exact route of the fence to minimize the hardship it causes
innocent Palestinians, Israel has a right and a duty to defend its
citizens. The fence only exists in response to the wave of terror
attacks against Israel."
The terrorists love John Kerry. If they give him a medal, would
Kerry hold on to it or throw it over a fence? If you see him throw it,
pick it up and hold on to it, Geraldo demands evidence, film at 11:00.
Standing ovation to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. God bless
you and thanks to all
Vietnam vets!