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How Clinton Sold
Our Children to Islam

by  Jen Shroder
Much of this post researched and confirmed by Wes Vernon of NewsMax
and portions by Paul Sperry of WND.    Sources thoroughly provided

Allah 's apostle said, " I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,' (Hadith 4:52:196*)

Islam's Intent:  Force or Persuasion
Islam’s number one priority is to make all the world Islam, either by persuasion or force, and during his term, President Clinton provided both by weakening our defenses and surrendering our children in public school without a whimper. "Negotiations for peace" would be better described as laying down dead.

Each time America suffered a terrorist attack, President Clinton issued statements promising to "find the terrorists" only to: pardon 16 terrorists convicted of executing 130 bombings; refuse delivery of Osama bin Laden from the Sudan; repeatedly refuse detailed information about al-Qaeda and Osama between terrorist bombings shut down investigations of Islamic charities; radically downsize our military and gut the CIA. (1)  (Details)

Robert Baer, a 21 year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations states:

"Whether it was Osama bin Laden, Yasir Arafat, Iranian terrorism, Saddam Hussein, or any of the other evils that so threaten the world, the Clinton administration seemed determined to sweep them all under the carpet."(1)

Battleground: Public School
So just what DID President Clinton do? He "negotiated." Evidence shows Clinton cut a deal with Islamic leaders to legalize and protect Muslim indoctrination in our public schools. If Clinton could give Islam the conversion of our youth, Islam's resolve to destroy America would be appeased.

This was a tricky business with secular groups campaigning to strip all reference to the Bible and Christianity from schools. Therefore Clinton colluded with secular and religious-sounding groups and based his new Presidential Guidelines (2) on a document drafted by the American Muslim Council, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the ACLU which owns the copyright  and many of the very groups attempting to censor Christianity today. This document can now be easily viewed (3) .

In the guidelines, every single "religious expression" that opens the door for Islam came equipped with a clause of escape, (2a) a backdoor for the ACLU to attack should anything Christian dare enter public schools under the same guidelines as Islam employs.

Clinton then presented these guidelines as originally drafted by "35 religious groups" and named it "Religious Expression in Public School. "Clinton failed to inform us, however, that these particular "religious groups" share a commitment to separation of church and state, as stated on the ACLU original draft. America, tired of censorship of Christian faith and noting the support of "35 religious groups", gratefully accepted these guidelines, only to wonder why Christianity is continuously outlawed while Muslim indoctrination overwhelms our schools, including children praying to Allah, memorizing the Quran and fasting for Ramadan.

Clinton included assurance that all students would be coerced to attend their Muslim lessons. He went beyond the American Muslim Council/ACLU's guidelines and added a clause stripping us of parental rights and religious freedom:

"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."

That explains why parents cannot opt children out of these inductive classes for Islam, a huge loss of our religious freedom. It is also why my school district superintendent showed me these guidelines and literally laughed in my face when I pointed out the incongruity.

Clinton's Steps of Betrayal
Clinton met frequently with Abdurahman Alamoudi, executive director of the American Muslim Council who participated in the original draft. Alamoudi supports Hezbollah and Hamas and was recently arrested on 9/28/03 for illegally receiving funds from Libya. Alamoudi was also friend and adviser on Islamic affairs to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Large meetings and events with Muslim leaders at the White House became commonplace, including celebrating the end of the Ramadan fast, (Eid) which Hillary claimed as "an American event."  Secretary of State Madeline Albright hosted Moslem groups, where she discussed recruiting Muslims for State Department posts. (1b)

Then in 1995, President Clinton presented his Religious Expression in Public School guidelines, and through his Secretary of Education, described these guidelines as drafted by "35 religious groups" listing eight names that sound Judeo-Christian, educational or patriotic, omitting the other recognizable culprits. Some of these "religious groups" have been filing lawsuits against the Bible while demanding a proselytizing version of Islam be forced down our throats today. (5) Clinton proved full knowledge and deceptive intent by falsely presenting these guidelines as drafted by "religious organizations." (compare both documents [2] [3])

See Clinton's "Religious" Groups Scrutinized

These guidelines greatly impact public schools today. CNN’s Lou Dobbs interviewed Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU on Dec. 19, 2003. Strossen referred to these guidelines as the authority to  support the ACLU’s lawsuits restricting Christmas celebrations and removing Nativity scenes from public schools. Strossen haughtily smiled as she said, "...and all these religious groups agreed to it!"

President Clinton and these "religious" partnerships opened wide the doors to our children's forced "education" of a fairytale Islam, while the ACLU continues to convince the courts to censor the Bible and anything Christian.(4) (4a) Shamefully, the ACLU simultaneously fights for such causes as mandating freshmen to read selected quotes from the Koran. (5) The ACLU and the like issued the rules to go to court with, and President Clinton knowingly presented them as his own "Presidential Guidelines" as he made surreptitious speeches with much aplomb about God. America swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Cheers at the Gate:
President Clinton’s religious guidelines are applauded by Islamic organizations such as SoundVision, which reminds Muslims it is their RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION (Dawa) to promulgate Islam and methodically explains how in public school today, thanks to Clinton:

"In the U.S. one of the strongest arguments in favor of seeking religious accommodation for your child is President Bill Clinton's 1995 statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted in public school. This was given to every school district in the United States."(6)

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