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(I had forgotten, I copied this from my webstats on September 15th, I copied and stored it in Microsoft Word Documents, then here)

This came from a different webstat record, the only time I caught in the records that show ID, I notice it's using the link that Robert Schneider says is discontinued, but I think this one went to my homepage, not my control panel, so it's different but still using the thoughtpolice link...this is way over my head but this is what I have.

Host: Url: / Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 02:49:15 Http Version: HTTP/1.1" Size in Bytes: 14265
Referer: Agent: LinkWalker

I looked up Agent: LinkWalker, Google shows it as, which I had noted previously. This site offers a service to check sites, but there are many websites complaining about this "bad bot", and I might have dismissed it as some sort of webstat gatherer, except, why are they going through thethoughtpolice, and why the covert way of pointing at my control panel?

Additionally, for the first time since discovering these links about three weeks ago, they've disappeared in the webstats I watched them in. I'm almost certain my stats showed they had used the link 19 times before the update tonight. That is still within the range shown, but without thethoughtpolice link. If I'm wrong they should still show up in detailed reports that I've never checked before and don't know how. If I'm right...they've been removed, which is interesting timing.

Also, below links all happened at once soon after, I don't know what they were trying to get at but they happened in sequence, it looks like they were able to change their computer ID? ...maybe this is one of those virus deals completely unassociated...its just weird, because the virus was sent out through my own mail specifically to Houghton Mifflin.

Oh my goodness, the second half of these stats below show HTTP Code: 200  which means they were successful! This is MY WEBSITE and I can't get into where that went! I didn't think it existed! (shaking head) well it's a good thing I don't have any secrets...I just hope more viruses are not being sent out, sheesh.

Host: Url: /cgi-bin/ Http Code : 404
Date: Sep 15 03:09:46 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: -
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-bin/ Http Code : 404
Date: Sep 15 03:09:46 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: -
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-bin/ Http Code : 404
Date: Sep 15 03:09:45 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: -
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-bin/ Http Code : 404
Date: Sep 15 03:09:44 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: -
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-bin/ Http Code : 404
Date: Sep 15 03:09:44 Http Version: HTTP/1.1" Size in Bytes: -
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:46 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:45 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:44 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:33 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:33 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991
Referer: Agent: -
Host: Url: /cgi-sys/ Http Code : 200
Date: Sep 15 03:07:22 Http Version: HTTP/1.0" Size in Bytes: 991

9/22/03 After posting the above last night, when I booted up this morning a message came up that said

Pri Master 18:20018WDC WD200BB00AUA1 Ultra DMA Mode-4 
S.M.A.R.T capable but disabled

(head in hands) I am so tired of this, I've listed every stupid abnormality in my computer, which is truly limping along now. But all this is probably just your average computer stuff and I look like an idiot, which I am when it comes to computers. But being hacked was real, sending a virus to Houghton Mifflin was real, the Democratic party naming my website unexplainably prior to being set up is cold hard fact. The rest is just my hysteria trying to figure it out, and I can't. I'm a sitting duck...but a sitting duck aware of the miracle that my website is even up. I think this is what it is to be Christian...being a sitting duck, watching the hunters take aim and praying for them anyway...which I haven't been all that successful at doing. (deep sigh)

Okay you big, mean, hacking computer geniuses laughing at my feeble attempts to figure you out. You win. But I'm about to shut off my computer, go sit at my Master's feet and soak in the love and warmth of His heart as I read His Word. I used to live in your world and it's empty, there is so much more! Didn't you know it's all about you? Everyone always says it's all about Jesus but it's not. It's all about what God wills, what God wants, and God wants YOU. He loves you, His passion is about you, His Son died for you and I'm stuck on this planet just to tell you that. It's ALL about you and your relationship with the Father that loves you so much.

No matter what you do, I don't want your eternal destination to be apart from God. Even though I'm flawed and I get in trouble with my temper, please forgive me. I pray that some day you turn around and find Him. There is nothing on this earth that would be sweeter to me than to find you in heaven one day.  In all sincerity, amen.